It can be hard to find a junkyard open on days when you have time to go. The junkyard closest to me is closed on Sunday and it’s annoying. I need to find other yards with Sunday hours so I can do my repair work. In the article below I will help you find yards open on Sundays, discuss how they work, and discuss the pros and cons of Sunday part picking. I will also share my experience with the junkyards open on Sundays near me.
Map of Junkyards Open on Sundays
For “Junkyards Open on Sundays”, see the map below…
How Do Junkyards Work…
Junkyards are locally run businesses that sell used auto parts. They take in salvage vehicles from the public, insurance companies, tow companies, and auctions and then sell off the functioning parts. You can save big on repairs and in some cases, you may be able to purchase an add-on warranty.
Many places have standard prices for the most common parts. Which makes it easy to call ahead and find out how much a yard will charge. There are also places that maintain an online inventory that allows you to search what vehicles are currently in the yard.
In my experience in most areas auto junkyards are open Monday through Friday from around 8 AM to 5 PM. That’s kind of an average across the country. You can however find some that do limited hours on Saturday and limited hours on Sunday. If you are looking for new car stock, most junkyards are best to visit on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
The places open on the weekends are self service salvages, which means you bring your own tools and pull your own parts.
Why Aren’t Most Junkyards Open on Sundays?
Junkyards are small businesses and run by small business owners. That means they make their own hours and most of them want to enjoy their weekends also. The junkyard near me is closed on Sunday, but just across town is another one with Sunday hours from 9 AM to 12 PM, they actually close early on Saturdays also.
In my experience, it depends on where you live. In a more rural town junkyards tend to close early on Saturdays and are closed on Sundays. If you live in a more metropolitan area, you may have yards that have better hours. Over the years of speaking with junkyard owners, I have been told they just don’t get much traffic on the weekends to rationalize the administrative costs of staying open.
Mopar Junkyard in Princetown WV – Open on Sundays
The Benefits of Finding Junkyards Open on Sundays…
Discovering junk yards open on Sundays offers the convenience of exploring other models for junk car parts, and salvaging hidden treasures from many junk cars. Many junkyards close on Sunday but some of them are open too.
The junkyard nearest to me that is open on Sundays waives their entrance fee for walking the yard. While that is not very significant to save $3, it’s still a way to save. Not all salvages waive Sunday’s entrance fee, but some do. The reason my yard waives the fee is because one staff member is there and it makes it easier for him.
The other thing about junkyards open on Sundays is there are WAY less people there. I have done some engine pulling work on Sundays before and I literally won’t see another person for hours. That means no one is pulling parts from the same car, no one pulling parts in the car next to you and never waiting while someone attempts to negotiate at the counter.
The Downside of Sunday Junkyarding…
While you may be a weekday pro parts picker, weekend operating hours can have a few setbacks. In my experience when the junkyard is open on Sunday there is usually only one attendant. That means less help finding what you need and potentially having to wait while they help another person. If you’re local salvage doesn’t have a map and you’ve never been there, get ready to walk a lot!
If you are buying something expensive and looking to negotiate the price, you will find less negotiation flexibility on the weekends. Why? They probably have not done a lot of sales for the day and they need to cover their operating expenses. They are looking at their bottom line and will be less likely to budge on price. If you are picking up parts and think you may need to haggle on price, go during the week.
If you are looking to sell a junked vehcile, then Sunday is not a great day to go. There may be someone on staff, but that person may not have the authority to make you an offer. I have seen this occur where someone brings a junk vehicle to the salvage and they say you have to come back on Monday when the owner is here.
The same goes for returns. If you purchased a warranty on parts, don’t go on a Sunday looking for a return. There is a good chance the person on staff has never had to give a credit before. Also, it is possible they are not authorized to issue salvage credit. If you bring in disfunctional parts, you may be told to please come back tomorrow.
Where Else Can You Find Used Auto Parts on Sundays?
This is a tough one. If you need salvage parts on a Sunday and your local yard is closed, you don’t really have options. You likely want to go to a junkyard because you need the parts now so you can fix the vehicle today. Other than a junkyard your only alternatives are websites like Ebay, Craigslist, and online junkyards that ship parts.
If you know your local junkyard is closed on the weekend and you can’t go during the week, the best thing to do is find your used part online and have it shipped.
Junkyards Open on Sundays – Conclusion
If you’re lucky enough to have a yard near you open on Sunday or even Saturday consider it like gold. I know it seems counterintuitive that the time you have to look for parts is the only time the junkyard is closed, but these folks have families and want weekends too. Given that they get less customers and still have to pay staff to work, it makes sense to cut back by closing on weekends. This is what I have learned from the few junkyards that are open on Sundays near me.